Worcester Surfacing as part of Cheltenham Surfacing Co. Ltd will ensure that risk assessments and Health, Safety and Welfare arrangements are communicated, these would include:
• First aid arrangements
• Common areas policy and segregation
• Including entry and exit from site, sanitisation and hand washing, sign in procedures etc.
• Cleaning arrangements for welfare facilities, equipment, vehicles, door handles etc.
• Maintaining distance whilst working and within welfare areas
• Managing staff and inductions and maintaining ratios for first aiders etc
We will take our on-site team through a suitable Tool Box Talk on Coronavirus to ensure best practices are maintained.
As a Company, we will ensure that:
• Workers who are unwell with symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19) should not travel to site or attend the workplace
• Workers would travel to site as single occupants of vehicles
• Where 2 or more of our team are at your site, the instruction will be to maintain, as far as reasonably practicable 2 metre social distancing from each other and other contractors on site
• Where social distancing cannot be applied for task safety reasons, frequency and time on task will be minimised.
• As an additional control, where social distancing is not practicable, respiratory protective face masks and gloves will be worn.